Ideas & Enhancements


Neos connects to SharePoint and stores Documents within the SharePoint Library.

For example, if I'm generating a medical record request, SharePoint will create a "Medical" folder if the document is specified as "Medical" in the "Document Types" dropdown menu. Furthermore, within the Medical folder, SharePoint will create a subfolder called "Medical Records and Billing with Affidavits" if I specify "Medical Records and Billing with Affidavits" in the "Category" dropdown menu. However, since many cases have multiple clients, organizationally, I would like to create another sub-folder called by the Party Name within "Medical Records and Billing with Affidavits" that will store anything related to that specific party within that folder.

Currently, Neos allows "Case Tags" for further specification, and those are useful in their own way, but because we want to use the SharePoint library to organize our folders, it does not solve our problem for needing to create client specific sub-sub folders.

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  • Dec 13 2023
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