Ideas & Enhancements

Having the ability under a case to add documents to a linked party

The goal with this is to help create a folder structure/SharePoint container that has all of the pertinent information in a case but allows us to separate the information for each Party role like witness/defendants/etc.. under that case. This would allow end users to download the entire folder structure/SharePoint container in a layout that makes sense to everyone.

  • Case folder

    • Document type/categories

    • Defendant

      • Mouse, Michael M.

        • Document type/categories

      • Donald Duck

        • Document type/categories

    • Witness

      • Mouse, Minnie

        • Document type/categories

  • Guest
  • Oct 14 2022
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    October 14, 2022 19:20

    YES. Please!!!!