Ideas & Enhancements

Neos/Sharpoint sub-folders

For years our firm linked Neos cases to sub-files in SharePoint. With the new update, this feature has stopped working and it is disrupting the normal work-flow. Any method suggested as a supplement (such as companion cases) would require us to devote hours and days to restructuring our SharePoint files, and would also take us significantly more time to move between case files when searching for documents. Please update Neos to allow us to link cases to sub-folders so that we can continue our normal business operations as they were established.

  • Guest
  • Jul 18 2023
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    August 31, 2023 14:52

    THIS IS FIXED, they didn't tell us, but you can re-link when a folder is moved to a subfolder by using "Change Case Folder" in the docs tab, now! And once re-linked, all your docs uploaded to Neos will save correctly, not in the root.