Ideas & Enhancements

Communications Center add new call case/intake field

Only the CLIENT is linked to the associated “Case/Intake” field, i.e. we are only able to log phone calls from clients but no one else associated with a case due to the Case/Intake being a required field and the field not being a manually fillable field.

Other types of contacts associated with a case should be offered in the drop down menu in the "Case/Intake" field. If a contact is associated with multiple cases, a choice of those associated cases should be offered in the drop down menu.

  • Guest
  • Jun 1 2023
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  • Guest commented
    July 16, 2024 15:30

    PLEASE allow the Communications Center to pull contacts (providers) from ALL TABS in a case including all medical providers, associated counsel and insurance companies/adjusters. Users receive notifications when calls are received, but the notification takes them to the Communications Center where users cannot make notes without assigning the call to a case and nothing populates in the case list unless the call is from someone listed in the party tab. Clients are not the only people who call our office. Most calls are actually administrative in nature, at least for our firm.

  • Guest commented
    October 26, 2023 15:51

    Yes... we need to be able to log phone calls from other Contacts into a case from the Communications Center. It's crazy that we can't do this. The majority of calls on any given case is with persons other than the Client... experts, witnesses, the court, opposing counsel.