Ideas & Enhancements

Neos: Please make default fields removable and such as "more info" on the case tab.

Some users have suggested that we make default fields removable and have options what to do with standard fields.

  • Guest
  • Nov 11 2021
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    April 21, 2023 14:29


  • Guest commented
    March 17, 2023 17:29

    Fields like "More Info" are vague and hard for us to know how to use. Users in our firm have started adding notes that are all useful info like co-counsel or referred in or out, but I'd rather people use the user-defined fields we have set up for that express purpose. Instead we have same data points going into different fields. This would all be fixed if I had the ability to move certain user-defined fields into the top area of the Case Tab and/or some editing ability for "More Info" field to guide how it is used for our firm and keep consistent good data.