Ideas & Enhancements

Bates Stamp in Neos

The Bates Stamp feature in Adobe/ Neos needs to match the Adobe desktop version and not require all of the fields given. Our firm likes the Bates to be short (usually the client's last name) and Neos requires text, prefix and suffix to be used which makes the Bates way too long. It also needs to not limit the Bates # to 4 or 5 digits.

  • Guest
  • May 28 2023
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    July 17, 2024 17:05

    I agree with the above comment 100%. I am currently having to drag stuff to my desktop, use Adobe to Bates stamp it, and then move it back into NEOS, unless I do all that before it gets into Neos (not always an option). It should be up to me, NOT NEOS, what information is included in a Bates stamp. Usually, the less the better!!!!

  • Guest commented
    December 09, 2023 18:55

    It would be helpful if in the Bates Stamp feature we could choose to have Prefix and/or Suffix like we can choose Date. Additionally, Exhibit Stickers are a must.