Ideas & Enhancements

Calendar Bulk Actions - Add Option to Duplicate calendar entry

If the organizer no longer works for the firm, we can no longer modify the entry. The ability to copy the calendar information into a new entry would save the user time of reproducing everything. Also giving the user the ability to modify the organizer field in the new entry would be necessary.

  • Guest
  • Dec 14 2022
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    March 23, 2023 23:17

    This could also be done by adding the ability to mass update in advanced search for calendar items. Please add at least one or the other for calendar in Neos.

  • Guest commented
    March 17, 2023 14:41

    We need to be able to add multiple calendar items and just change date and time, I do this in Outlook all the time but then I have to go in and manually tag those events to the case. It would be great if I could duplicate calendar entries straight out of Neos that way all the little details could remain the same like who is attending, title of event, reminders, memo info, location, etc.