Currently, we cannot change the organizer of an event. If a case is reassigned, the former staff cannot remove themselves from the event. I suggest the ability to add a co-organizer or be able to select a default Organizer, such as a non-staff code/email that will never change. We are experiencing a lot of calendar issues because of the inability to change the organizer once an event is created.
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I agree with being able to apply a default organizer.
It is ridiculous that we do not have the ability to update/edit a calendar appointment that was created by an employee that no longer works for the firm.
In litigation, calendar items are added 2-5 years out and constantly change, so the fact that i can't change an appointment that was created 2 years ago and that NEOS Solution is for me to RE ENTER all of my Calendar appointmens on every case is incredibly time consuming and inefficient.
We have hundreds of cases in litigation alone not counting PRE LIT cases, you expect us to waste our time Re Entering hundreds of calendar items. We can't even delete them so if the time changed we would have 2 calendar items on the same day at diffrent times for the same case which is VERY Confusing! Hearings change, trial dates get moved around multiple times, please give us the ability to modify these appointments.
Even before someone leaves the firm, I always replace that staff with someone else and the calendar organizer does not update so therfore all of the SOLs and litigation deadlines that were created by an employee during their time with the firm are now unchangable.