Ideas & Enhancements

Have an option to close all checklist items when a case is closed or intake rejected

As is now, if you close a case or reject an intake the checklist items remain open. Giving us the option to close the remaining checklist items in bulk or giving us a button to allow us to do so would aid in keeping our checklists in order.

It could be locked behind its own permission so not just anybody can do it or keeping it so only admins can do so would also be massively useful.

  • Guest
  • Nov 29 2022
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    October 09, 2023 16:18

    I reported this DEFECT in the program and was told to make a wish list item. I shouldn't have to WISH for these people to fix an obvious flaw in their program, one that was not present in Needles. These are the problems that make me wish I never changed to NEOS. Maybe I'll make that a wish list item.

  • Guest commented
    February 15, 2023 23:33

    I had this same issue. I had to add a Close Date field to my intake layout. Adding the close date will prevent the checklist items from appearing after the intake is closed.