Allow the Settlement Calculator to pro rate the settlement amount. Some states allow settlement to be split 3 ways. This would eliminate staff having to calculate the amounts.
In Michigan, if there is a referring attorney, the referring attorney gets 33.3% of the NET attorney fee, which then decreases our attorney fee. However, in the settlement calculator, it leaves the "Amount to Firm" as the original attorney fee amount, as opposed to decreasing the amount by the amount going to the referring attorney.
In Michigan, if there is a referring attorney, the referring attorney gets 33.3% of the NET attorney fee, which then decreases our attorney fee. However, in the settlement calculator, it leaves the "Amount to Firm" as the original attorney fee amount, as opposed to decreasing the amount by the amount going to the referring attorney.
Yes, the settlement calculator is great, but it stops just short of what is needed in NC for pro rating the bills.