Ideas & Enhancements

As it was in Needles, have neos automatically calculate the attorneys fee for any settlement offer and have that attorneys fee appear in the list of expenses/credits/fees under the expense tab

In Needles, to calculate an attorneys fee you put created a "dtf" then a pop up box would allow you to put in the rate (the amount of the settlment) the period (the percentage fee, eg, 33.33333%) and then press enter and it would calculate the fee, and when pressing "save" it would then appear in the list of "dtf"s, and you could print a settlement memo off that. Shockingly, there is apparently no way to do this in Neos (according to the tech rep I just spentd 1/2 hour on the phone with). Apparently, in neos, you can get the fee only by using the settlement calculator, then MANUALLY "copying" that calculation, creating a new entry in the expense tab, for "attny fee", then MANUALLY pasting the calculated fee from the "settlement calculator in to that new attny fee tab, then running a settlement memo. It would be much easier to do it the way that needles 5.0 did it.

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  • Sep 23 2022
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