Ideas & Enhancements

Incoming paper mail Process - Bulk scan

Typically, incoming mail is bulk scanned and separated into files.

You should be able to bulk imput those docs into the system.

So when you dragged 10 documents over you could have multiple inputs to put the items into many cases at once.

You also want to be able to save some defaults so for example if you have a bunch of medical records, you could set the type and catagory to match what you are bulk scanning to save time. You should be able to save the settings.

There is a very challenging document distribution problem in NEOS that this would be a big part of.

The incoming mail problem would be solved by automatically coding the documents as MAIL and associating it to a user.

Any thing with MAIL and a user, would reside on a mail tab. This would now be the electronic equivelant of an inbox. As the user went through his/her mail they could file the mail asd need and set appropriate disries, or just keep it in the inbox to do further work.

This would solve some very time consuming tasks.

  • Guest
  • Apr 1 2021
  • Attach files