Ideas & Enhancements

Print option in each tab. There should be the ability to print in whichever tab I’m in without having to go to reports and printing.

  • Guest
  • Feb 4 2021
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    12 Jul 15:11

    Can Neos please address this? Users have been requesting this for over 3 years. We need the ability to print the intakes for in-person meetings where accessing the Neos platform is not practical. We were able to do this in Needles.

  • Guest commented
    08 Jan 18:19

    Having a printable format for each page/tab would be useful. This is especially beneficial when you need to have information in a physical medium during a trial. There's currently no way to print pages that doesn't cut off information, so if you want access to basic information during a trial you have to copy and paste from Neos into some other program.

  • Guest commented
    December 12, 2023 15:50

    When this will be available? Specially to print an Intake....

  • Guest commented
    February 05, 2021 02:41

    Especially printing an Intake.