Ideas & Enhancements

Neos - Printing Notes directly from tab

User would like to print selected (single/multiple) notes to print.

  • Guest
  • Jun 4 2020
  • Already exists
  • Nov 2, 2020

    Admin response

    You can right click on any grid to export to csv/xlsx and customize format for printing through Excel. Printing a single note from the notes detail is only possible right now from the browser print options. A native print option for Notes detail is still under consideration.

  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    17 Mar, 2023 06:10pm

    That's not true you cannot right click export to csv/xlsx from Notes tab. Other grids you can but not the Notes tab. We should be able to select multiple or all notes and bulk actions export to pdf or print.

  • Guest commented
    23 Feb, 2021 09:17pm

    I would love to be able to bulk print selected notes that show up on a header with the client information included.

  • Guest commented
    31 Jan, 2021 03:25am

    I would also be nice to have the Header print at the top of the note. Many times as files are transferred to different departments in the office, The Name of Client, SOL, Alt Case # etc can be easily identified without looking behind the printed note. I do see the name of the client and case number already prints on the top of the note, however, it is not enough information and it is a smaller font.

  • Guest commented
    1 Oct, 2020 03:50pm

    Elk & Elk would also like to be able to print specific calendar or value items, as well as individual notes.

  • Guest commented
    28 Aug, 2020 08:11pm

    Also ability to print messages easily from the message screen