Ideas & Enhancements

Uploading video files to Neos Case Docs tab

We have had a lot of trouble uploading video files through the case docs tab. Can there be a folder or category designed specifically for video files that we can upload them to that maybe condenses the file size?

  • Guest
  • Dec 30 2020
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    06 Jan 18:45

    We have the same problem--we have to use a separate system for videos, very annoying.

  • Guest commented
    October 18, 2023 16:10

    You can save them, you just have to drag them into the sharepoint instead of the docs tab, but once you save it in the sharepoint it appears in needles docs tab in the folder you saved it in.

  • Guest commented
    June 07, 2023 17:44

    agree; currently we are forced to keep all our video depos on our hosted server and that requires us to access 2 sources since Neos cannot handle these; please provide this feature

  • Guest commented
    February 07, 2023 20:55

    We are seriously struggling with uploading larger files, especially imaging studies, which, unfortunately, is a large part of our need. Anything that can be done to make this more functional?