It would be helpful to make the preexisting fields in the Case Tab user defined. Some portions contain irrelevant information for our firm, while the current user defined field we implemented contains our need-to-know information at the bottom of the tab. We would like the option to rearrange the whole Case Tab since this is the most important tab.
Yes there is a lot of default information Neos leaves in our layout that we dont use or we use but rather it be somewhere else. Neos prioritizes for us what it thinks is important and put its at top. I have some much information on my case tab that I do not care for being right on top. I need to see important quick facts about the case- not referred by or to, dormant, case name, billing client, how did you hear about us, etc. Almost all the info under general information is such a waste of space. I prefer to see that somewhere else or at the bottom. I would prefer for that top space to be user defined. The whole CASE tab should be user defined
Agreed! I would also like to add to be able to minimize or expand the contact fields. For example the mediator and the arbitrator. Whenever adding a "contact" field it shows so much information under the contact. Sometimes this is helpful but other times it just feel cluttered. Sometimes I need to see a quick summary of things without searching and scrolling. Being able to minimize information not needed would make things look neater and be more efficient.
This would help our firm record data more efficiently in a huge way. Right now for example we love the "Referred By" and "Referred To" fields on the general information case tab. However, we have other info we want to capture in addition to names of referred by and to like fee agreements etc. So we have to spend time clicking and scrolling in different areas of the case to record similar information which is inefficient.
Great idea!
Much more organized this way
Good stuff
Good idea!
Good thinking!
This is the most important tab for our firm, I would love to be able to have more control over it.
Yes! Please do this, I love the idea.
Love it!
Good idea!
Please do this. It would be nice to have the case tab fit different firms according to importance.