Ideas & Enhancements

Total Item Count

Should be able to see how many items are in a list automatically without having to count each line item or run a report. For example, how many items are in my Checklist Summary for the day? If I navigate to Browse Cases and filter by staff and class code, how many items show in that list? I should not have to count these line by line. It should show somewhere on the screen automatically.

  • Guest
  • Sep 21 2020
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    26 Mar, 2024 08:30pm

    Should be able to see how many items are in a list automatically without having to count each line item or run a report. For example, how many items are in my Checklist Summary for the day? If I navigate to Browse Cases and filter by staff and class code, how many items show in that list? I should not have to count these line by line. It should show somewhere on the screen automatically.

  • Guest commented
    13 Mar, 2024 07:21pm

    line item count should be universal - agreed

  • Guest commented
    16 Jun, 2023 05:48pm

    "record count" is a very basic coding function, as simple as it is helpful; should be available universally for all lists regardless if it is a report

  • Guest commented
    27 Sep, 2022 04:21pm

    Every list and list tab should have a count!

  • Guest commented
    9 Apr, 2021 06:36pm


  • Guest commented
    20 Nov, 2020 10:28pm

    Yes Please! I end up opening it in excel just so that it counts them for me!