Ideas & Enhancements

Color Changing Events in Neos

In Needles, an event in the calendar changed color based upon status. In busy, high-volume practices this was invaluable because you could quickly glance at your calendar and see events in the following colors:

  • Green - open

  • Gray - done

  • Red - cancelled

  • Yellow - reminder

PLEASE bring this feature back to Neos!!!!

  • Guest
  • Jun 17 2024
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    17 Jun 16:56

    YES. Please it makes it so much easier to use the calendar to prioritize and find appointments.

  • Guest commented
    17 Jun 15:32

    Yes - color coding is essential so we can take a quick glance to prioritize quickly

  • Guest commented
    17 Jun 15:12

    YES! This feature would really help keep me organized and eliminate the need to constantly open an appointment to know the status.