Ideas & Enhancements

Visible status change on calendar events

There is no way to tell which calendar events/reminders have been cancelled or done without opening the event. In Needles 5, the event changed colors to indicate status which made it easy to see right away and prioritize.

  • Guest
  • Oct 31 2022
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    17 Jun 14:56

    Yes!!! Needles was so much more visibly organized because when an event was "done" or "cancelled" the color changed.

  • Guest commented
    02 Apr 19:21

    Needles color-coded the appointment status so that you could easily see when an appointment was cancelled. Can we bring that functionality into Neos as well? It was extremely helpful.

  • Guest commented
    July 20, 2023 18:51

    If an item is marked rescheduled, it could also possible say "available" or "open" so that we can still use that time and not be confused.

  • Guest commented
    November 03, 2022 07:51

    When you exit out of a note after examining it, it would be nice if it didn't immediately go back to the last note you entered. Eggy Car

  • Guest commented
    November 03, 2022 07:50


  • Guest commented
    November 02, 2022 13:35

    this was on the old version on needles and i liked it a lot. Very easy to see what was open done or no show.