Ideas & Enhancements

Synopsis screen during search

Please implement the ability to view the synopsis screen for all cases for an individual client during a search for a client/case. This function was present on Needles 4.9 and was a fluid experience that made case review seamless. With Neos, this is now an extremely clumsy process and makes navigating multiple claims for the same client extremely cumbersome. At present all that pops up during search is the name and accident date. If I have 10 or more dates of injury for one client, I must click each case individually and then restart my search to sort through all files until I locate the claim I am looking for. Please make this change.

  • Guest
  • Feb 14 2024
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    07 Mar 15:31

    YES Please!

  • Guest commented
    01 Mar 12:48

    Would save a lot of time!

  • Guest commented
    15 Feb 19:15

    YES! This is the exact issue we're having! Please make this change!!!

  • Guest commented
    14 Feb 17:52

    It looks like other people are having the same issue, this is such a fundamental problem for our practice. It wastes so much time to not have the synopsis screen pop up during a search, been very frustrating. We have many clients with multiple injuries.

  • Guest commented
    14 Feb 17:12

    I second this wholeheartedly! This was a Needles function that I found disappointingly not present in Neos.