Ideas & Enhancements

Provider Associations in Contact Info

Currently any provider associations that are added within a company/provider contact have to be set up as a group. We think it would be simpler if in each association tab, the contacts could be added in individually, along with editing them individually (Along the lines of adding parties to the case). If the coding does not allow these changes to the provider assosiation tab, consider adding a "Third Party" Tab, which would function similarly to the Records/Request Tab, allowing Contacts to be added in/removed individually. This would help when companies make changes and instead of editing every group and the contact the group is associated with, the third parties can be changed individually as needed.

**This helps especially for Hospitals, as they have so many third party companies, but even the same hospital chains use different companies depending on individual need and location.

  • Guest
  • Oct 5 2023
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