Ideas & Enhancements

Vital Fixes for Quickbooks Online

1) The memo data (client name, id info added) from case expenses in accounting tab should pull into the MEMO box of Quickbooks Online. Right now it is transferring the data to the Description of the check which does not print to the check. It is important for that info to pull into memo because that is how third parties know what case the payment is regarding.

2) The "Print Later" box of the check should automatically be checked for imported checks. I am having to go through each check because otherwise the checks do not show up on the print queue.

  • Guest
  • Jan 26 2023
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    22 Mar 18:31

    This should be an obvious one to prioritize. Please FIX!

  • Guest commented
    12 Mar 21:48

    FIX THIS!!

  • Guest commented
    August 09, 2023 14:13

    This is an essential and extremely basic need for QB online integrator to work well and efficiently for us users. NEOS team PLEASE IMPLEMENT ASAP.

    We have to copy the description line into EACH SEPARATE CHECK we are printing on cases. We have to open up each separate check on QB online to select PRINT LATER. It's terribly inefficient and should be an easy fix to implement.