Ideas & Enhancements

QB Online Needs A LOT OF WORK

QB Online needs A LOT OF WORK. Needs an option where the Memo line in the VT automatically transfers to the MEMO line in QB online so that we don't have to cut and paste that on each case - MEMO from VT populates in description (along w/ the client name and case # and the memo from VT - which is good) but it needs to automatically pop up in QB online's memo line too.

Batch printing is pretty much nonexistent so if you're printing out 10 checks on a case in QB online - you have to open up each check, click print later, and then print later - it's too many clicks and doesn't make anything easier.

The accounting tab is still a mess - Accounting tab should have column that has client's name, and by selecting multiple checks it should add them up for a total like QB integrator does for desktop. Accounting tab should also automatically show us the checks requested by date (newest to oldest) and it defaults to oldest first - and shows pending or old things, and it defaults to that every time you go to the screen. No bueno.

QB online has been available for a good amount of time now, but it seems like no one really cares about actually making it usable or efficient.

I'd stick with my QB desktop but I've had QB integrator problems with it for the past two weeks and it's not fixed. Between Integrator not working and QB Online being subpar for usability this is a real problem and needs to be a priority. Being able to easily cut checks is a big value add for Neos users when compared to your competition.

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  • Nov 15 2022
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