Ideas & Enhancements

Add Phone number, and email address of who texted to saved note.

Currently inside of Neos, when you send a text message to a client it is saved as a note; however, the phone number and the email of who texted are not saved to this note. This leaves a gap in the information of what phone number was texted and who sent it inside of Neos.

Please add the phone number of who sent the text message, and the phone number that was texted to the note. In addition, it would also be useful to contain the name of the party that was texted.

  • Guest
  • Jul 29 2021
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    August 02, 2021 13:35

    This is crucial because we have no proof that we texted one of our clients to his number, the client is saying that we never were in contact with him although we were, but Neos does not say who we texted it just says a text was sent and what the text read