Ideas & Enhancements

Neos: Add Keyboard Shortcuts

Add keyboard shortcuts for navigating the program. Some shortcuts that would be helpful:

  1. Exiting Case Folder

  2. Navigating between screens(tabs) in a case

  3. Creating New Messages

  4. Creating New Events

  5. Creating New Intakes

  6. Back to last screen in program

  • Guest
  • Jun 9 2021
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    October 12, 2024 14:24

    Lack of this has been my biggest letdown since learning we were migrating from Needles. Please bring all of those keyboard shortcuts back! I believe Microsoft Office for web achieves this with a plug-in.

  • Guest commented
    July 20, 2024 20:11

    Additional keyboard shortcuts would be very helpful when

    1. generating documents

    2. closing sub-windows

    3. Saving in any window

    4. any of the Blue tabs like upload document or generate new

    having to use a mouse is so much slower than keyboarding.