Ideas & Enhancements

Provider Record Controls - Prevent use of a provider in a case (moved, out of business, etc)

For various reasons, over time provider cards can become "stale" and should no be associated with cases going forward.   As these providers may already have history, removing them is not a good option. 

While more robust controls over maintenance may be appropriate, in the short term we really could use some type of lock that can be set directly on the provider card to prevent using these providers.  This could be a simple check box, that when checked, would prevent the provider from being assigned.  An appropriate dialog box would direct the user to find an alternative provider => "This provider has been marked as Inactive.  Please select another provider or see your administrator."

  • Guest
  • May 16 2019
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    December 06, 2022 18:59

    as simple as having a hide button so the provider is not able to add to new cases