Ideas & Enhancements

"Save to NEOS Tab"- Add a tab to Word to save a new document directly to NEOS

Currently, a document created in Word must be saved to the desktop and then dragged into NEOS for saving in a particular case. Adding Word integration via plug in to incorporate a tab which one can "Save to NEOS", select the case, category, etc. would be a necessary improvement for attorneys and paralegals who often create new documents outside of "templates".

  • Guest
  • Feb 5 2021
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    19 Mar, 2024 04:53pm

    Alternatively, you can save a blank word doc to your templates. That way a new blank document will already be linked to your file when it is created.

  • Guest commented
    9 Jan, 2024 03:48am

    3 years and no progress on this very basic and essential feature....???

  • Guest commented
    14 Nov, 2023 10:55pm

    We need to be able to "save as" directly to the Neos case. As others have mentioned this is a basic function available in many other CMS's.

    We end up with so many copies of documents on the server and no one knows which ones have been uploaded to Neos or not.

  • Guest commented
    16 Jun, 2023 05:49pm

    basic add on other CMS's have, please implement

  • Guest commented
    7 Jul, 2021 06:23pm

    There is an option to "save as" and choose "Sites" (this is your sharepoint cloud), you can then select the case and save it directly to Neos. It's a bit longer but you can save it directly from Word without having to save it to the desktop.

  • Guest commented
    3 Mar, 2021 07:52pm

    I am still saving everything to the server drive and then having to save it to Neos...

  • Guest commented
    24 Feb, 2021 02:57pm

    Yes, as well as with excel and PDF. We came from another program that had that plug in and it was very useful!

  • Guest commented
    19 Feb, 2021 08:52pm

    This!!! Yes please

  • Guest commented
    5 Feb, 2021 04:48pm

    That would make life so much easier. It is a feature we had with Legal Files.