Ideas & Enhancements

Neos - Add Deafult Packaged Mini-Directory, and Drop Down to WC, and PI case types.

Add ICD codes as a premade mini-directory, and a predefined drop down field for user defined tab sections inside of the WC, and PI case type, this drop down should allow text searching, and multi-selection.

These codes are used to specify the type of injury for a client, and the codes are industry standard and do not change from firm to firm. It would be best to add this to the WC, and PI case types on the user defined section by default, so they can simplify the process of adding the injuries to the party. Adding this into the Neos default package would allow those who work in those case types to specify the type of injury the same way as they refer to them in the field.

  • Guest
  • Dec 31 2020
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  • Guest commented
    January 28, 2021 16:21

    I voted here, because I like the idea of providing more out the box, especially if we want smaller firms to one day self-serve-- but I can definitely see the reasons why we wouldn't. a) if it's different in different states, b) if it changes so we'd have to stay on top of updating it, c) if firms have their own injury types notwithstanding the industry codes etc.