The new design is great but VERY bright. I feel a dark mode option would be very well received.
Would appreciate this - more color in general would make the long lists easier to navigate
saves battery when in a pinch, as well as easier on your eyes, please do this
Yes please!
Add dark mode please. I will pay you in blocks.
Please add dark mode
So, there's no dark mode?
I want dark mode.
Dark mode by Q2 of 2024. An attainable goal to strive for!
I would just like to have the original version and be able to darken fonts, change colors of fonts, bold fonts, borders, and modify the text. White on black is not my idea of the best solution. Each individual should get to do what works for them.
Yes please.
Please do!
It is odd that the suggestion with by far the most votes is not in development... Your clients are asking for something, please deliver.
please add
Dark mode option would be well received for many of our users
You won't be notified about changes to this idea.
Would appreciate this - more color in general would make the long lists easier to navigate
saves battery when in a pinch, as well as easier on your eyes, please do this
Yes please!
Add dark mode please. I will pay you in blocks.
Please add dark mode
So, there's no dark mode?
I want dark mode.
Dark mode by Q2 of 2024. An attainable goal to strive for!
I would just like to have the original version and be able to darken fonts, change colors of fonts, bold fonts, borders, and modify the text. White on black is not my idea of the best solution. Each individual should get to do what works for them.
Yes please.
Please do!
It is odd that the suggestion with by far the most votes is not in development... Your clients are asking for something, please deliver.
please add
Yes please!
Dark mode option would be well received for many of our users