Ideas & Enhancements

5.0 Online Help resource - Please Improve

Needles Version 5.0 Help - I rarely find what i am looking for in Needles' online help. The two issues I'm having are the search function not finding terms that i know are in there somewhere :-) and some info just not included at all. Here are examples of each...

1.) I used search terms "rich text" and "display as rich text" looking for help on using rich text in a note but came up with no results. (I also searched "format" and got a ton of results, but not anything about formatting text. Ultimately, I found it under "Special Field Types," when i was looking for info on merge documents but i never would have clicked on that for this info.)

2.) I searched "document setup," "merge," "documents," "templates," and "merge fields" looking for help on Document Setup and there were no results. (I was having trouble finding where a field exists in merge parameters.)

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  • Sep 3 2020
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