Ideas & Enhancements

Settlement Memo-Standard- I wish we could choose a signer

In the report Settlement Memo-Standard, we should be able to show the same itemizations for each client, and choose who is the signer.

As it stands, we have to choose only one user as our client on the case tab since pages are broken down by the party they are itemized for.

This would eliminate the need for our team to mark the party as our client on the case tab. This can cause some confusion if a team member forgets to turn it back on

  • Guest
  • Nov 26 2024
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    November 26, 2024 17:23

    Yes! An ability to select the signers, perhaps based on Party role, would be ideal in cases where there are minors or multiple beneficiaries that need to sign off on the settlement. Changing the "Our client" checkbox risks human error and can compromise the data integrity in reports.