When sending an email from a case it would be great if the email would automatically populate the case name/client number to the sent email.
You are already in the case and the email gets posted as a note it just seems like it would make sense that the email would also have the client name already attached.
It should work with Outlook email and be able to use the address book. Disappointed with the "powered by Tiny" option. Cannot believe I have to type in the actual email address.
It would also be good for the case name and the client number to auto populate. Or if you can't auto populate it, you should be able to generate the email and then go back into Neos to find the claim number to insert it manually
It should work with Outlook email and be able to use the address book. Disappointed with the "powered by Tiny" option. Cannot believe I have to type in the actual email address.
Neos has so very many "bells and whistles that I dont use...this should be an easy fix!!!
I meant claim number, not client number
It would also be good for the case name and the client number to auto populate. Or if you can't auto populate it, you should be able to generate the email and then go back into Neos to find the claim number to insert it manually