Ideas & Enhancements

Ability to adjust 'In Litigation' status on case header

In its current functionality, there is not a method to adjust the status on the case header if it is marked as 'In Litigation' to a different status. The only workarounds at the moment are to either enter a closed date for the case (effectively putting it in a closed status) or to delete any Auxiliary checklist items associated with the affected case (but this is also deleting pertinent data from the case).

Request: if all associated Auxiliary checklist items (That are flagged as 'in Litigation') associated with a case are marked as 'N/A' or 'Done', this then show switch the status out of the 'in Litigation' status from the case header

  • Guest
  • Mar 15 2024
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  • Admin
    Rayna Kannegiesser commented
    November 08, 2024 19:54

    There is another workaround for removing the 'In Litigation' Case Status.

    Within the Auxiliary Checklists settings, there is a "Litigation" column which indicates whether or not this particular checklist would change the status to "In Litigation" when added to the case.
    Deselecting this allows you to add that Auxiliary Checklist without altering the Case Status.

    I hope this helps!! :)

  • Guest commented
    May 23, 2024 11:43

    In needles you were able to change this back to open with a few clicks please create this work around as we have many cases that are no longer in litigation due to Stipulation of Facts etc. It is creating more work because some staff think it is still in litigation and they are asking if they have to request records etc. I started putting a special note stating it is no longer in litigation as of date of Decision so people know that it is open but running smooth.