Ideas & Enhancements

There needs to be an additional Value item for medical cases in the state of TX as an insurance or provider reduction

There needs to be an additional Value item for medical cases in the state of TX as an insurance or provider reduction. Texas requires these to be listed in case information and as part of the total amount due during the settlement process.

  • Guest
  • Mar 8 2024
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    March 08, 2024 19:52

    Yes so we are in Texas and we add the health insurance payments and adjustments in value tab transaction history, so that we know what the balance and true value of the bill is for PVI purposes.

    However, this messes up the Settlement Calculator because it does not show me the actual balance it just shows the bill in full even though the due to others is correct and not adding the bill.

    We use Reduction field for when we request discounts on the balance, not to show Health Insurance payments and adjustments. DOes anyone else do this?

    It is also messing up QB integrator bec it keeps trying to add those transactions to QB when they were not paid by us so needles should not try to add transcations not paid by us to QB.