Ideas & Enhancements

Allow case Party(s) to be associated to a checklist task

Tasks would show up on a firm members dashboard based on either a case type requirement (i.e. send their statement for signature) or the status of a request to an individual party in a case. This would allow tasks to be assigned to a staff member to complete on the individual case party basis. This could be used for such things as to prompt an email reminder to return a signed statement based on the number of days that have passed since the original request, or to schedule individual parties with an investigator or attorney. It would also be very helpful if a user created date associated with a party could be used as the Checklist Ref to generate the task. For instance, when the original email is sent requesting the statement, that date is entered on the party's case tab, which starts a 2 days timer to generate a task to verify the statement has been returned. If it hasn't the staff member is prompted to send a reminder email. Viola!

  • Guest
  • Feb 14 2024
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