Ideas & Enhancements

Tagging Emails

Hello all – Not sure if this is the place to deal with this but just want to let you know that taking away the feature to file (“tag”) multiple emails all at once is incredibly burdensome. In Trialworks we could file emails all at once. As lawyers we get a sea of emails and to expect us to tag each one individually is unrealistic and burdensome. I am happy to speak to the programmers to provide insight on what busy practicing lawyers need. Below is just an example of some I have to do now for 1 file that we just opened up. We have files with many more that have to be filed all at once. I find the option to tag what the category of what the email was about much less useful than the ability to just drop all the emails in the applicable files.

  • Guest
  • Jan 11 2024
  • Attach files