Ideas & Enhancements

Case number should transfer from Neos into Quickbooks Online

When a client is opened in QuickBooks Online from a check written in Neos, the case number does not show in the client information.

It shows in the description line of the check but the information does not transfer to the client's profile info.

This causes issues with QuickBooks if the client in Neos has multiple cases. QB will not open a new client with a new case number but will put the check into the previous client under the wrong case.

If we try to work around this problem by manually changing the client display name to include the client number, QB will open another new client when the next check is written. It is not recognizing that they are the same person despite leaving the first and last name the same and only making changes to the client display name.

The client case number needs to transfer over from Neos to QuickBooks online and display. This is not happening.

  • Guest
  • Oct 30 2023
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  • Guest commented
    November 07, 2023 13:36

    How are other users of QB online working around this issue?