Ideas & Enhancements

Correct scrolling in the Value Tab to get to very bottom of Value items

With the recent Neos update, one of the major issues in the Value Tab is it no longer scrolls to the very bottom of the list of Value Items for cases with a huge amount of Value items. It is a huge problem not being able to scroll down to view each item. The only work around is by reordering by date or by name to find them. This takes the Value Tab out of date order. No a good solution. Please fix this issue.

  • Guest
  • Oct 5 2023
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    October 09, 2023 22:13

    The problem I am having is when you scroll down the list to the bottom, everything disappears, you get out of the value screen and back in, which then everything is there. Not sure how many others are having this issue, but it is awful. Please get it fixed along with all the other issues!