Ideas & Enhancements

Print Intake Sheet / Export to PDF

I'm befuddled as to why this isn't an option. I need to be able to print an intake sheet (export to PDF or at least a "printer-friendly" version) to send to other attorneys when we have a case to potentially refer. This happens daily.

When I use the browser print function, the phone number and email address gets excluded from the printed version. Every time. This is insane!! This is a feature that should be a no-brainer. I'm shocked and disappointed it doesn't already exist (as this was something I could do in Needles).

  • Guest
  • Apr 4 2023
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    May 23, 2023 14:21

    I agree. Our office is not entirely paperless yet, and it would be great to have the option to print the intake form.