Currently the functionality is to send notifications to staff assigned to the conversation AND the case. This causes a lot of unnecessary clutter in the notifications pane, especially for managerial staff members assigned to cases.
Users would like for the notifications to only be sent to those assigned to the text conversation.
Are we close to getting this "implemented?" This has been a request for two years now. Why does it take so long to get any action on necessary tools to make the work more efficient. We would much rather see these ideas be fixed and implemented than more AI enhancements that are not effective.
The bell notifications needs to be changed. Text notifications should ONLY be sent to staff members texting and NOT all staff members assigned to the case. Also, maybe have an option to receive the text messages via email so they don't get lost in the notification train. Thanks
Can we PLEASE get emails when clients text us? Some people may not want that, but having that as a setting so people can choose to have that or not would be very helpful. That notification bell does not work well for me, it is very disorganized. Thanks for listening.
give users the choice ! clutter or no clutter; don't force only one option on us !
VOTE - Please make changes to Neos so that text notifications do NOT go to every staff member assigned to the case. We need notifications to go to specific staff members that we select.
We have multiple people assigned to each cases for different roles, and sending the notification to everyone assigned is a bit much. There needs to be a way to set up the text messages to go to the assigned staff member(s) or teams/departments we choose. Or just the sender of the text message, because realistically, that is the person who needs to respond or communicate with the client regarding that text.
These notifications can become cumbersome if the staff person is no longer on the case. For example, we have 4 levels of staff - intake team, opening team, prelitigation team and litigation team. At each phase, staff are no longer involved and new staff are introduced. Being able to only have 1 person or team receive the texts, would be amazing and lessen the amount of notifications for teams no longer involved with the case.
Yes please. We have teams in our office and team members not sending a text message or involved in the conversation should not be inundated with text messages not related to their work.
Ideally, only the sender of the SMS would receive the replies unless the sender adds another staff member. I get a lot of text for mundane case items between my clients and support staff. Checking them, only to find out it is something I know nothing about that causes a big disruption in workflow. - Frank Nunes #NunesLaw
Agree. Only staff listed in staff box should get notifications/texts
I agree but I think giving the option to get the response in an email or getting a notification alert in an additional manner would be helpful also. I spend a lot of my day outside of Needles working also and I miss the notification pop-up sometimes.
Highly agree!!!! in our office the managerial staff is starting to ignore notifications all together due to having so many since they are assigned to 200+ cases.
Highly Agree! We have various staff assigned to cases to perform particular roles at different times in the case life cycle. It will make it nearly impossible to identify text messages that are 99% of the time for the primary staff position. At a minimum make a check box for all staff or Primary Staff only notifications. Even better have a checkbox for each staff position within the case that turns notifications on or off.