Ideas & Enhancements

Expand "Lazy Loads" (preview screen that appears when press the down arrow) in the Notes sections to be able to view bigger screens

I wish we could expand the "lazy loads" of the notes so we could make the screens bigger and see more at once. Also, it doesn't seem to "shrink to fit" depending on the size of the browser so sometimes i have to slide the cursor far to the right to read the full sentence.

Same with the preview screen that opens on the right. The "lazy load" that pops up when you click the down arrow, or the side preview pane would be far more useful if they could be expanded.

We still miss being able to flip through all the notes, backwards or forwards, without being started at some random '0 out of 43" when we click on a random note in the middle and then only being able to flip to the older notes. But, if the side preview pane or lazy load bottom pane could be expanded, i think this would help a LOT.

  • Guest
  • Mar 22 2023
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