Ideas & Enhancements

Ideas & Enhancements Moderator

As I look at the Neos Ideas & Enhancements portal, I’m starting to realize that whoever is moderating the enhancements request is not correlating items together. Here is what I mean If you bring up the Neos Ideas & Enhancements and do a search for print you will find the below items on the first page but if you take the time to go through all the results you will see that there are 56 enhancements request all dealing with printing. Yes, there are a few items in this list that I would agree with needing their own enhancements request but with a rough tally of the votes you have 335 votes for printing issues. Again, this is just an example and I understand that in upcoming release printing is a priority but there are lots of topics that I believe would also rise to the top of the Enhancements request list if someone was moderating the requests.

  • Guest
  • Mar 8 2023
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  • Guest commented
    June 07, 2024 15:33

    We are a NJ firm and need this scenario as well. The Settlement calculator is useless to us in it's current state. Please make this change in the next update. Thank you

  • Guest commented
    March 17, 2023 14:51

    I couldn't agree more! I made a similar request months ago for the ability for users to "flag" duplicate requests so that Neos could merge them (also to flag "requests" that are actually advertisements, which I've noticed this portal is improperly used for).