Ideas & Enhancements

Saved advanced search retains sorting

For example, when creating a custom report using the advanced search function. I have created a report that groups together the open cases by the primary staff assigned to the cases. I would like to be able to further sort the results in alphabetical order inside of the group, and have the sorting options remain when the report is saved instead of having to sort it manually each time.

  • Guest
  • Feb 21 2023
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    July 24, 2023 22:24

    I was using Needles for 17 years and just switched to Neos in June 2023. I am shocked that one cannot create a report with advance search, sort it the way you want, and then save it for future use. I am told that every time I have to reposition the columns, sort alphabetically, etc. This is such a waste of time and very frustrating. I can't imagine, for example, someone wanting a case list that is not in alphabetical order by client name (so you can find things easily). Every time I open this report, I have to manually ask that it be in alphabetical order. There are also columns I want next to each other and I have to manually do this every time I run the report. Neos, please fix this!