Ideas & Enhancements

Open cases in New Tab or Window

It would be very helpful to be able to open cases in new tabs or windows to they can be viewed side-by-side instead of only being able to view one case at a time. Sometimes there are cases that are related that we want to view at the same time or there are things we want to reference from one case while working in another, and toggling back and forth is difficult.

  • Guest
  • Dec 13 2022
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  • Guest commented
    December 14, 2022 17:52

    Adding on to this request: function to open in new tab/window should be right-clickable rather than preference-based, as it's not needed for every case you open.

  • Guest commented
    December 13, 2022 23:16

    same functionality is true when comparing several contact records, etc; the workaround is to open several instances of Neos...ugly but workable solution