Ideas & Enhancements

Should be able to move tabs

Though this may be a small detail, it would make the user interface a little better. We should be able to reorder and organize the tabs at the top of the page for the different sections we are in (i.e. cases, intakes, checklist, etc.) Currently, the tabs are stuck in place in the order that you open them, but it would be helpful to be able to reorder and reorganize tabs, similar to how most browsers of this era are able to do.

  • Guest
  • Nov 11 2022
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    March 07, 2023 19:38

    It is baffling to think this would not be a feature implemented in the first release of the software. It is an absolute nightmare to work on multiple files at once when you need to open different provider tabs for separate cases. Let's get this fixed ASAP Neos!