Ideas & Enhancements

Ask to SAVE

Instead of asking if we want to LEAVE a screen, just ask if we want to SAVE so we can say, "YES" and move on.

  • Guest
  • Aug 18 2022
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    May 15, 2023 20:48

    Much agreed. Should be a save/exit button. It's good that it stops you from leaving without saving, but it should be easy to then click yes exit/save (or not if you don't want to) instead of having to back out, press save, then exit again. Microsoft products do what I'm thinking of. Much faster/simpler.

  • Guest commented
    August 25, 2022 20:40

    Yes please! That's how it's set up in Needles 5 so all of our users are going to see the yes button selected by default and think great my work will get saved. But in Neos the question is reversed are you sure you want to leave and yes is still selected by default. Every other program asks you do you want to save your changes, please just make Neos easier to use in this crucial detail.