Ideas & Enhancements

Send Message button should be on Notes Tab

The best way to communicate with staff is to be able to send a Message (a note) When doing something on a file - a regular note is easily missed and gets lost unless staff are looking for the note in an individual file; By easily being able to send a message from the Notes Tab, staff can be notified of progress and any followup activities needed.

  • Guest
  • Apr 19 2022
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    April 20, 2022 03:16

    Are you familiar with the use of Mentions? Search the Knowledge Base for more detailed information. However, in the note you want a staff member to read, type the @ sign then start typing the staff members name. Their name will come up and hit enter. When you save the note, depending on your Staff Profile settings, the staff member will get a Notification and an Email of the note.