Ideas & Enhancements

Merge Fields in an Excel Spreadsheet like in Word

We would like the ability to create merged Excel spreadsheets with merge fields like in Word. I imagine Excel forms like a workers comp lien reduction worksheet that will save in Case Docs. Another would be a pro-rata lien payment worksheet under the North Carolina lien statutes. The ability to pull data from the Value Tab and Dates from the Checklist and Case Tab would be awesome!

  • Guest
  • Mar 30 2022
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  • Guest commented
    January 19, 2023 15:38

    We also want the ability to create merged Excel sheets. Even in meantime if you could make it so a new clean excel doc can get generated without using merge fields that would be a good start. As it is right now, we have to have a totally separate place in SharePoint to manage all of our Excel templates that are shared firmwide. As an admin I want all of our case related templates to get managed out of one central location.

    Also merge fields in an excel sheet would be great we would use that a lot. We have about 4 different Excel templates we use with every case, and would like to create more. Tracking medical bills, lien reductions, mediation outcomes, pre-settlement analysis.