Ideas & Enhancements

Capitalized merge templates should capitalize target merge fields in Neos.

Currently Neos does not support capitalized merge templates, like what is shown here: [[ FIRST NAME | CASE.PARTIES.NAME.FIRSTNAME | PLAINTIFF ]]

The template must be lower case to work properly. Functionality is being requested that capitalizing template codes like the one above will in turn capitalize the text contained in the target merge fields.

  • Guest
  • Jun 4 2021
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    June 17, 2021 22:31

    You may also want to try adding a font code via Word. To do this, open the template in Word desktop app, select the merge field, and hit CTRL+D - this will bring up font options. Check "ALL CAPS" for example, to make that merge field all caps when the document is generated. You can use other font options as well via that same technique.

  • Guest commented
    June 04, 2021 22:12

    I found a trick that works sometimes, I place a space before and after the code then highlight ALL the spaces and code then click ALL CAPS and it seems to work.