Ideas & Enhancements

The ability to copy name and address from the Party Tab in NEOS like you could in N4

In N4 you could right click in the party tab and copy the Name and Address of the party however you cannot do this in Neos.

  • Guest
  • Mar 17 2021
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    December 05, 2024 16:56

    I came onto the portal for the first time today to suggest this feature and found this thread. I also used Needles 5 prior to using Neos and the ability to copy and paste the name and address of a client as a function directly from the party tab of a case is sorely missed. I used to use it several times a week for non-standard letters and now have to add an extra step by opening the Neos provider page for the client to copy it, or to type it in manually every time. If possible, I would suggest the "Actions" pulldown menu on the Party tab of a case have the option to "Copy Party Name and Default Address" or even just "Copy Default Address" ("Default" not necessarily needing to be added to the actual name of the function, just the effect of the function).

  • Guest commented
    August 21, 2023 17:09

    When you try to copy an individual party so you quickly copy and paste the individual party name to the Caption (case tab) NEOS take you into into edit the parties name. I used to copy the name and address then delete the address in the caption (Case Tab) to avoid misspelled name. Now I have to type the name in which could cause a spelling error. You can copy the provider but not the party. Very simple addition if they just let you set it the same as provider.

  • Guest commented
    December 14, 2022 17:47

    Our paralegals use this all the time, we need an easy button to copy and paste this info into a word doc.

  • Guest commented
    May 12, 2021 16:32

    Also a functionality in N5